Nutrition 101

Presented by: Dr. Rachel Ong, ND

Make Your Macros Count

If you do nothing else, adjusting your daily macronutrient ratios will introduce more variety of nutrients into your body.

Aim to consume 5 different natural colors of food every day.

In regards to dairy, be very cautious as cow’s milk is an allergen. Did you know, humans are the only species to drink another animal’s milk in adulthood?

Drink at least half your weight in ounces of water each day.

Getting the Most Bang for Your Buck While Grocery Shopping

Get the most out of your groceries by doing what you can to avoid toxic exposures to your food.

How to Minimize Toxic Exposure in Your Food:

  • Buy organic foods whenever possible
  • Beef should be grass-fed and grass-finished
  • Seafood should be wild-caught. Avoid farm-raised seafood.
  • When buying organic is not possible, scrub and rinse produce thoroughly before consumption

Cooking for Immune Support

Don’t let anything go to waste. Be flexible with your meals and make use of every scrap in your food preparation.

If you have any vegetable scraps, save them in the freezer in a freezer bag. Once it is full, take the scraps and make vegetable stock. You can enhance the nutrient content of foods by substituting water for vegetable broth. For example, instead of cooking rice with water, cooking it with vegetable broth will provide more nutrition in a simple rice dish.


As always, please seek counsel from a trained healthcare professional for personalized dietary recommendations with regard to specific health conditions and lifestyle goals.


For further details, check out the entire presentation here.