Congee Recipes for the Summer, Fall and Lowering Blood Pressure

Presented by: Roberto Irawan

Summer: Hawthorn Honey Congee

Enhanced Nutrition

Hawthorn berry congee promotes healthy digestion, blood circulation, and weight loss. It is especially helpful for those suffering from indigestion.


  • 1 ounce (30 grams) Chinese hawthorn berries
  • 1/2 cup (100 grams) rice


  • honey to taste

Cooking Directions:

1. Wash and peel the Chinese hawthorn berries, then cut into thin slices. Wash and rinse the rice.

2. Pour the rice into a pot and add water. Bring to boil under high heat. Add the Chinese hawthorn berries and turn to low heat.

3. Continue to cook until a thick broth is formed, then remove from heat.

4. Let the congee cool for a few minutes before adding the honey. Mix evenly.


Rice = Geng mi 梗米 (American Dragon)

Properties: sweet, warm (cool)

Channels: Spleen (stomach)

Actions & Indications:

  • Tonifies Yang
  • Tonifies the Qi of the Lungs, Spleen and Intestines and stops restlessness
  • Stops thirst and generates fluids


Hawthorn Fruit = Shan zha 山楂 (Bensky)chinese hawthorn berry

Properties: sour, sweet, slightly warm

Channels: Liver, Spleen, Stomach

Actions & Indications:

  • Reduces food stagnation and transforms accumulation
  • Transforms blood stasis and dissipates clumps
  • Stops diarrhea
  • Used for hypertension, coronary artery disease and elevated serum cholesterol


Honey = Feng mi 蜂蜜 (American Dragon)

Properties: sweet, neutral

Channels: Large Intestine, Lung, Spleen

Actions and Indications:

  • Moistens the Intestines
  • Nourishes the Lungs and stops coughing
  • Nourishes the spleen and stomach and relieves pain
  • Eliminates toxins


Fall: Sweet Lily Bulbs Congee

Nutritional Benefits

Sweet lily bulbs congee is useful in combating symptoms of white blood cell deficiency and menopause, such as dryness of the nose and mouth, difficulty breathing, and lack of energy.


  • 3.5 ounces (100 grams) fresh lily
  • 1/2 cup (100 grams) rice


  • crystallized rock sugar, as needed

Cooking Directions:

1. Wash and rinse the lilies. Separate the flower from the stem, and peel off the petals. Place the petals in boiling water to quick-boil, then remove and soak in a fresh pot of water.

2. Wash and rinse the rice, then soak in cold water for 30 minutes.

3. Scoop out the rice, and pour the water into a pot, adding more if necessary. Bring to boil, then add in the rice and lilies. Turn to low heat until the rice is fully cooked.

4. Add in the crystallized sugar and stir evenly. Continue to cook until the sugar is dissolved.


Lily Bulb = Bai He 百合 (American Dragon)

Properties: sweet, slightly bitter (bland), lightly cold (cool)

Channels: Heart, Lung

Actions & Indications:

  • Nourishes Yin, moistens the Lungs, clears Heat and stops coughing
  • Clears Heat from the Heart and calms the Spirit
  • Nourishes Stomach Yin and harmonizes the Middle Jiao



Crystal Sugar = Bing Tang 冰糖 (American Dragon)crystal sugar

Properties: sweet, natural

Channels: Lung, Spleen

Actions & Indications:

  • Strengthens the Spleen and harmonizes the Stomach
  • Moistens the Lung to relieve coughing


Blood Pressure: Mung Bean Congee

Nutritional Benefit

Mung Bean Congee is helping to lower blood pressure


  • 3/4 cup (150 grams) Japonica rice
  • 1.75 ounces (50 grams) red dates
  • 1 ounce (25 grams) mung beans
  • 1 ounce (25 grams) lotus seeds


  • crystallized rock sugar, to taste

Cooking Directions:

1. Wash the mung beans, and soak overnight in a pot of water.

2. Wash and rinse the rice, lotus seeds, and red dates.

3. Add 6 ⅓ cups (1,500 milliliters) of water to a pot. Add in the rice and mung beans and bring to boil.

4. Add in the red dates and lotus seeds, then turn to low heat and continue to cook.

5. Cook until the lotus seeds and mung beans become soft and the congee is thick and viscous. Add crystallized rock sugar and continue to cook until it is dissolved in the congee.


Japonica Rice = Jing mi 粳米 (American Dragon)

Properties: sweet, warm (cool)

Channels: Spleen (stomach)

Actions & Indications:

  • Tonifies Yang
  • Tonifies the Qi of the Lungs, Spleen and Intestines and stops restlessness
  • Stops thirst and generates fluids


Mung Bean = Lu dou 绿豆 (American Dragon)mung bean

Properties: sweet, cold (slightly warm)

Channels: Heart, Stomach (spleen)

Actions & Indications:

  • Resolves Summerheat and relieves thirst
  • Clears Heat and relieves toxins
  • Clears Heat and relieves toxins


Red Dates = Da zao 大枣 (American Dragon)

Properties: sweet, warm (neutral)

Channels: Spleen, Stomach

Actions & Indications:

  • Tonifies the Spleen and Stomach and augments Qi
  • Nourishes the Blood and calms the Spirit
  • Moderates and harmonizes the harsh properties of other herbs


Lotus seed = Lian zi 莲子 (American Dragon)

Properties: sweet, astringent (neutral)

Channels: Heart, Kidney, Spleen

Actions & Indications:

  • Tonifies the Spleen and astringes diarrhea
  • Tonifies the Kidneys and astringes Jing
  • Nourishes the Heart and calms the Spirit