Korean Cooking 101

Presented by: AeJa Kim and Audi Yingyoud

Radish Kimchi Recipe


  • Korean Radish 800g
  • Salt 3Tbs
  • Red pepper powder 5Tbs
  • Scallion 1 stalk
  • Minced Garlic 2Tbs
  • Minced Ginger 1ts


  1. Wash the radish and julienne it.
  2. Mix well salt and julienned radish together and left it aside for 20 min.
  3. Drain out the water that sipped out of the radish.
  4. Add the rest of the ingredients to salted radish and lightly mix together.
  5. Transfer Kimchi into a glass container.
  6. Store in the room temperature for one day or two days and once bubbles raised up over the radish, then transfer to the refrigerator.

Lai Fu [Raphani Radix]


  • Warm or Slightly warm
  • Spicy
  • Poison – Free


  • Facilitates digestion
  • Eliminate phlegm
  • Cure malignant Qi in the five yin organs
  • Stops thirst and help the circulation of joints
  • Treat hematemesis caused by Lung atrophy
  • Stop coughing and weight loss due to consumptive disorder (deficient disorder)


Soysauce Braised Lotus Root Recipe


  • Lotus Root   300 g
  • Vinegar   2 Tbs
  • Vegetable Oil   1 Tbs
  • Soy sauce   4 Tbs
  • Water   4 Tbs
  • Wine   1 Tbs
  • Sugar   1 Tbs
  • Syrup/maltose 1 Tbs
  • Sesame Oil    1 ts
  • Roasted Sesame   1 Tbs


  1. Peel the lotus root and cut ¼” thickness in crosswise.
  2. Boil 3 cups of water and add 2 Tbs of Vinegar
  3. Toss in lotus root in the pot and boil for 7 minutes.
  4. Pore out in a colander and rinse with cold water.
  5. Mix Say sauce, water, wine in a pot and bring up to boil and throw in lotus root and cover and simmer for 20 min.
  6. Add sugar, syrup, sesame oil mix them together and garnish with roasted sesame.


Su Jeong Gua

  • Korean traditional winter drink
  • Promotes digestion
  • Help with PMS symptoms by warming interior (LU, ST)
  • Promote metabolize  of alcohol – hangover
  • Increase immune function
  • Prevent Cold
  • Caution with a person with internal heat, a person with renal disease or during pregnancy due to the characteristics of the herbs


  • Water   3 Liter
  • Rou Gui (cinnamon)        120g
  • Sheng Jiang (ginger)    120g
  • Brown Sugar/ honey     120g to 250g
  • Pine nuts     optional [garnish]
  • Da Zao         optional [garnish]


  1. Wash Rou Gui and ginger using toothbrush and water
  2. Slice ginger 2mm thickness
  3. In a pot pour in water, ginger, and cinnamon
  4. Bring it up to boil and simmer for 40 min
  5. Strain ginger and cinnamon
  6. Dissolve in brown sugar, honey, or maltose to fit your favorite sweetness.
  7. Store it in the refrigerator after cool down.
  8. Garnish with pine nuts, Da Zao, or dried persimmon wrapped walnut.


Wu Wei Zi Tea

  1. Wash dried Wu Wei Zi 30 g to wash off dirt
  2. Pour 900 milliliter of water in a glass jar
  3. Add in Wu Wei Zi in the water.
  4. Secure the lid and store in the refrigerator overnight
  5. Add in sweeteners like sugar, honey, or syrup.
  6. Boil 100 milliliters of water and dissolve sweeteners in and mix into the jar.
  7. Return the jar in the refrigerator and enjoy!