HB403 Herbal Prescription III
HB403 Herbal Prescription III
3 Units/30 Hours
Prerequisites: HB301, HB302, HB303, HB304
This is the third of four courses in the Herbal Prescription series. This course emphasizes the Chinese Herbal Medicine principles and theory including relevant botany concepts in a comprehensive guide to a variety of herbal formulas by studying their ingredients, properties, actions or functions, indications, cautions and contraindications, and their modifications. An emphasis is placed on the roles played by the individual herbs in the formula and the pathology patterns for which each formula is used clinically. Categories covered in Herbal Prescription III include herbal formulas that Open the Sensory Orifices, Regulate the Qi, Regulate the Blood, Stop Bleeding, Expel Wind and Treat Dryness.