HB601 Herbal Classics I
HB601 Herbal Classics I
3 Units/30 Hours
Prerequisites: HB401, HB402, HB403, HB404, OM401, OM402, OM450
This course explores Chinese Herbal Medicine principles and theory including relevant botany concepts by providing an in-depth study of the clinical application and prescription of herbs and formulas in accordance with the signs, symptoms, and syndromes relating to the differentiation of disease according to Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold Damage), Wen Bing (Febrile Diseases), and the Jin Gui Yao Lue (Treasures from the Golden Cabinet). This course presents specific protocols for the diagnosis and herbal treatment of externally contracted cold damage disorders, warm diseases, and those conditions presented in the Jin Gui Yao Lue.