HB501 Clinical Application of Formulas
HB501 Clinical Application of Formulas
3 Units/30 Hours
Prerequisites: HB401, HB402, HB403, HB404, OM401, OM402, OM450
This course explores the Chinese Herbal Medicine Principles and Theory, including relevant botany concepts that focus on a detailed analysis of some of the more commonly used Oriental medicine formulas and their applications and treatment strategies according to the Eight Principles. Class topics include an overview of principles of herbology and herbal formulas, practical applications of ben (root) and biao (manifestation), analyses, a comprehensive discussion of the traditional and modern usage of formulas, as well as cautions and contraindications. A discussion of the classical herb pairs (dui yao) as the building blocks of applied herbal medicine is also presented, including examples of clinical cases and new applications of formulas. The course serves as a practical application guide for patient care and provides a fundamental understanding of commonly used Oriental medicine formulas.