AC550 Acupuncture Orthopedics
AC550 Acupuncture Orthopedics
3 Units/30 Hours
Prerequisites: AC350, AC370, AC375, AC470
This course focuses on the acupuncture and oriental medicine specialty of acupuncture orthopedics. It includes acupuncture orthopedic assessment techniques and treatment. The course examines the clinical condition related to the neuromusculoskeletal system, the mechanism of acupuncture in pain and neuromusculoskeletal system dysfunction, trigger points, and referred pain, and teaches the skills related, to functional assessment and treatment emphasizing the tissue based as well as kinetic or motion style of acupuncture treatment. The appropriate use of relevant diagnostic lab and imaging, red flags identification, the recognition of the need for collaborative care, case referral, surgical intervention, post-surgical management, and home regimens for rehab exercise, and recovery procedures will also be presented and reviewed.