AC375 Acupuncture Energetics II
AC375 Acupuncture Energetics II
3 Units/30 Hours
Prerequisites: AC300, AC301, AC302, OM301, OM302
This course is the second of a three-part course in the Acupuncture Energetics series. It will introduce acupuncture principles and the theory of point therapy, including meridian theory, group point energetics as well as individual acupuncture point energetics and point qualities within clinical relevance. This course will explore the point energetics of the following meridians: Kidney, Pericardium, San Jiao, Gallbladder, Liver, Du, and Ren as well as extra points. The point categories that are covered in this course are the five shu-points, luo-connecting points, yuan source points, xi-cleft points, back-shu points, front-mu points, confluent points, influential points, window of sky points, sea points, lower he sea points, ashi points.